, 31 marzo 2010
Table 1 (PDF ORIGINALE SUL COMPUTER DI JESSICA Saints_barro nuovo fram.pdf) Collegato alla sch. 203867 ID Name Start End Tenure Beatified Canonized (years) Stock Duration Flow Stock Flow 229 Clement VIII 1592 1605 13
Table 1 (PDF ORIGINALE SUL COMPUTER DI JESSICA Saints_barro nuovo fram.pdf) Collegato alla sch. 203867 ID Name Start End Tenure Beatified Canonized (years) Stock Duration Flow Stock Flow 229 Clement VIII 1592 1605 13.09 4 105 3 35 2 230 Leo XI 1605 1605 0.07 7 70 0 37 0 231 Paul V 1605 1621 15.72 7 70 13 37 2 232 Gregory XV 1621 1623 2.41 20 36 2 39 5 233 Urban VIII 1623 1644 20.99 17 43 8 44 2 234 Innocent X 1644 1655 10.32 24 40 3 46 0 235 Alexander VII 1655 1667 12.13 27 46 1 46 2 236 Clement IX 1667 1669 2.47 26 58 1 48 2 237 Clement X 1670 1676 6.24 25 60 5 50 5 238 Innocent XI 1676 1689 12.90 25 58 3 55 0 239 Alexander VIII 1689 1691 1.32 28 64 1 55 5 240 Innocent XII 1691 1700 9.22 24 60 0 60 0 241 Clement XI 1700 1721 20.31 24 69 2 60 4 242 Innocent XIII 1721 1724 2.83 22 82 0 64 0 243 Benedict XIII 1724 1730 5.74 22 85 3 64 9 244 Clement XII 1730 1740 9.58 16 66 4 73 4 245 Benedict XIV 1740 1758 17.69 16 66 8 77 4 246 Clement XIII 1758 1769 10.59 20 66 4 81 6 247 Clement XIV 1769 1774 5.32 18 67 2 87 0 248 Pius VI 1775 1799 24.53 20 67 19 87 0 249 Pius VII 1800 1823 23.45 39 53 7 87 4 250 Leo XII 1823 1829 5.38 41 62 5 92 0 251 Pius VIII 1829 1830 1.67 46 61 0 92 0 252 Gregory XVI 1831 1846 15.34 46 63 4 92 5 253 Pius IX 1846 1878 31.67 45 76 16 97 5 254 Leo XIII 1878 1903 25.42 55 88 23 102 11 255 Pius X 1903 1914 11.05 68 80 11 113 4 256 Benedict XV 1914 1922 7.39 75 80 4 117 3 257 Pius XI 1922 1939 17.02 76 86 30 120 24 258 Pius XII 1939 1958 19.62 83 82 38 143 30 259 John XXIII 1958 1963 4.60 92 80 6 173 10 260 Paul VI 1963 1978 15.14 88 81 33 183 16 261 John Paul I 1978 1978 0.09 105 74 0 199 0 262 John Paul II 1978 2005 26.52 105 74 319 199 80 263 Benedict XVI 2005 ‐‐ 4.65 344 28 52 279 28 ‐‐ [as of 2009] ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ 371 30 ‐‐ 307 ‐‐ Notes to Table 1 Tenure is in years, based on number of days as pope. For Beatified: Stock is the cumulative number previously beatified, but not yet canonized, at the start of a pope’s term; Duration is the mean years from beatification to the start of the pope’s term for the stock of beatified; and Flow is the number beatified during the pope’s term. For Canonized: Stock is the cumulative number at the start of a pope’s term, and Flow is the number canonized during the pope’s term. The number 35 for the canonized stock for Clement VIII (who became pope in 1592) is the number canonized between 1234 and 1588. The year 1234 corresponds to the declaration by Pope Gregory IX (Pope ID number 176) that papal approval was required for canonization. However, the requirements for beatification remained unclear at this time. The year 1588 corresponds to Pope Sixtus V’s detailed reform of procedures for canonization and beatification. (No persons were canonized or beatified between 1589 and 1591.) However, the Papacy did not gain complete control of the process until the regime of Urban VIII, who was pope from 1623 to 1644. Of the 272 persons canonized since 1592, the reports on canonizations indicate that 4 were beatified before 1592, and 9 (including 3 for Benedict XVI) were not noted as previously beatified. The number 4 for the stock of beatified for Clement VIII reflects the 4 pre-1592 beatifications among persons canonized since 1592. This treatment assumes that no other persons were officially beatified before 1592. Hence, the cumulative number beatified as of the end of 2009 in our data is 371 (stock of beatified at the end of 2009) + 307 (stock of canonized at the end of 2009) – 9 (canonized from 1592 to 2009 without prior beatification) ”35 (stock of canonized in 1591) = 634. Of these, 630 were beatified since 1592. Variable Mean Median s.d. Max Min Number of beatifications 18.0 4.0 53.8 319 0 Number of canonizations 7.8 4.0 14.7 80 0 Beatifications per year 1.22 0.45 2.65 12.0 0 Canonizations per year 0.80 0.23 1.29 6.02 0 Stock of beatifications (start of term) 48.6 26.0 58.9 344 4 Mean duration of beatification stock (years, start term) 67.0 67.0 16.0 105 28 Median duration of beatification stock (years, start term) 51.7 54.0 20.2 86 12 Stock of canonizations (start of term) 92.4 81.0 56.0 279 35 Tenure of pope (years) 11.8 10.6 8.5 31.7 0.1 Note: See the notes to Table 1 for further discussion. Data are for 35 popes’ terms from Clement VIII (start year 1592) to Benedict XVI (incumbent as of 2009). Beatifications (canonizations) per year equal the number of beatifications (canonizations) during a pope’s term divided by the pope’s tenure in years. Stock of beatifications is the cumulative number beatified, but not yet canonized, at the start of a pope’s term. Duration, applying to the stock of beatifications at the start of a pope’s term, is the mean years from beatification to the start of the pope’s term. Stock of canonizations is the cumulative number at the start of a pope’s term. Table 3 Regressions for Canonizations per Year by Pope (N=35) Independent variable (1) (2) (3) (4) Constant -0.08 0.34 -0.08 -0.04 (0.35) (1.71) (0.35) (0.37) Pope tenure (years) -0.0229* -0.0218* -0.0234* -0.0235* (0.0095) (0.0106) (0.0099) (0.0098) Stock of Beatified 0.0123** 0.0129** 0.0116** 0.0131** (0.0021) (0.0033) (0.0038) (0.0033) Duration of Beatified Stock (years) 0.0063 0.0070 0.0057 0.0055 (0.0047) (0.0056) (0.0054) (0.0054) Last two Popes (dummy) 1.93** 1.92** 1.89** (0.35) (0.36) (0.38) -- Trend (years) -0.0003 (0.0011) Stock of Canonized 0.0008 (0.0038) John Paul II, 1978-2005 (dummy) 1.90** (0.36) Benedict XVI, 2005-2009 (dummy) 1.52 (1.31) R-squared 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 standard error of estimate 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 *Significant at 5% level. **Significant at 1% level. Note: 35 observations, corresponding to reign’s of popes from Clement VIII (1592-1605) to Benedict XVI (2005-2009). Regressions are by weighted least squares, with observations weighted by the square root of the Pope’s tenure in years (see n.14 in the text). Standard errors are in parentheses. Dependent variable is number canonized per year by pope. The p-value for a test of equal coefficients on the dummy variables for John Paul II and Benedict XVI is 0.75. The variable ”trend” is the average of the start and end years for a pope’s term. The R2 and standard error of estimate are weighted statistics.