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 2008  luglio 27 Domenica calendario

protect her privates Ever worry about your wife cheating? Want to know where your daughter is late at night? Need to know when your girlfriend’s temperature is rising? This amazing device will answer all of your questions! These panties can give you her location, and even her temperature and heart rate, and she will never even know it’s there! Unlike the cumbersome and uncomfortable chastity belts of the past, these panties are 100% cotton, and use cutting-edge technology to help you protect what matters most

protect her privates Ever worry about your wife cheating? Want to know where your daughter is late at night? Need to know when your girlfriend’s temperature is rising? This amazing device will answer all of your questions! These panties can give you her location, and even her temperature and heart rate, and she will never even know it’s there! Unlike the cumbersome and uncomfortable chastity belts of the past, these panties are 100% cotton, and use cutting-edge technology to help you protect what matters most. make sure you will never be forgotten forget-me-not panties• have built-in GPS and unique sensor technology giving you the forget-me-not advantage. Don’t let her get away!