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 2023  luglio 28 Venerdì calendario

questo tag 1901.1.303 non ha inner tags (non è outer di altri tags) nè threads (non ha pallini verdi) - sql: SELECT 'tag' as object_type, '' as object_date, inner_cluster as object_id from superclusters where outer_cluster = '#1901.1.303' UNION SELECT 'tag' as object_type, '' as object_date, tag_id as object_id from tagInfo where tag_id like '#1901.1.303._%' and ROUND((LENGTH(tag_id) - LENGTH(REPLACE(tag_id, '.', ''))) / LENGTH('.')) = (select min(ROUND((LENGTH(tag_id) - LENGTH(REPLACE(tag_id, '.', ''))) / LENGTH('.')) + 0) from tagInfo where tag_id like '#1901.1.303._%') UNION SELECT 'thread' as object_type, stories.story_date, tags.thread_id as object_id from tags, threads, stories where tags.thread_id = threads.thread_id and threads.story_id = stories.story_id and tags.tag_id = '#1901.1.303' and stories.visibility = 1 ORDER BY 1, 2 asc, 3